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Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Gold Corporate membership level.

  • Entry to the Convention for up to 5 employees (or clients).
  • Large Logo on the Convention banner.
  • Company advertising / promotional items provided into Convention registration bags (supplied by Sponsor).
  • Recognition and logo on the inside front cover of the yearly Journal.
  • Separate recognition in the Journal as a Gold Member and supporter of PWI.
  • A Gold membership certificate will be provided at the AGM for each year you are a Gold Member.
  • Recognition as a Gold Member in the PWI newsletters.
  • Recognition as Gold Member on the PWI website.
  • Two free entrants to the Annual PWI Golf Day if sponsorship is offered.
  • Double sided A4 colour advertisement in the yearly Journal

The price for membership is $5,600.00 now. starting July 1, 2025.

Membership expires after 1 Year.

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